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What Are Data Rooms?

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A data room is an online secure repository that allows teams to share documents and files in a more efficient manner than email. It is most commonly used in due diligence for an M&A however, it could also be useful when a company is seeking to attract investors or carry out other project-based work that requires the highest level of confidentiality.

During M&As, tendering, fundraisers and restructuring projects, lots of confidential information is shared among multiple parties. This can make it difficult to keep track of who has accessed what, what versions are in use, and the date of any changes. With a data space, all the required information can be kept in one place with access restricted by an administrator. It’s a great solution to stop unauthorised sharing of information and to ensure compliance.

In addition to storage as well as storage, there are a number of other features that are usually included in all virtual data rooms. Drag-and-drop, bulk upload, optical character recognition (OCR), dynamic watermarking and advanced search capabilities can assist you in finding documents fast.

In addition to these options, most data rooms also offer redaction tools that allow users to selectively exclude certain parts of a document, without breaking the document as a whole. This is particularly useful in order to avoid missing a single or multiple instances of sensitive information in the document which could have a major impact on the final outcome of the transaction or project.

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