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Data Communication – The Lifeblood of Digital Networks

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In our increasingly interconnected digital world data communication is the lifeblood that connects us. Understanding how different methods for data transmission work is essential for designing reliable and efficient networks. From the simple one-way nature of simplex communication to the bidirectional nature of full duplex communications, different methods dictate the way data is sent and received.

Hardware in a data communication circuit uses a variety of methods to transmit data efficiently. This includes desmultiplexing and multiplexing. These are processes that combine or separate signals, and then send them as a single composite signal. This maximizes bandwidth utilization and reduces the cost. Error detecting codes and signal amplifiers also minimize data corruption due to electric disturbances, or even momentary electrical noises that may change bits of data while they travel along an electronic communication channel.

Data communications also include the following set (protocol) of rules that are adhered to by both the computers of the sender and receiver. These rules help ensure that the message is understood and accepted without error.

The sender is the computer or device that generates and transmits the message, which could be in the form of text, numbers images, sound, or video. The receiver is the computer or device that receives the message that could be the exact same as the sender, or different. The transmission medium is a physical path that connects the sender and the receiver. It can be wired, for instance, wires that are twisted or fiber optic cable, or wireless, like lasers or radio waves.


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