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How to Approach Angel Investors

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If you’re looking to raise large sums of money to expand your company an angel investor is vital. But, it’s a process and one which requires a lot of work and networking. The trick is to reach the right people and make sure your business plan pitch deck, pitch deck and solid product/service are up to par.

You must first conduct some research and learn about the person you’re thinking of contacting. You can find out more about their investment and expertise by using platforms like Crunchbase or LinkedIn. This will let you eliminate some potential investors from your list, and also give you a better idea of their expectations.

The next step is to create your pitch document that outlines your idea, the issue you’re solving, the much of a market is for your idea, as well as the experience and background of your team. The document should be written in Guy Kawasaki’s style (meaning 10 slides in just 20 minutes) and should be concise, clear and straight to the point.

Participating in events where you can meet potential angel investors can be a good way to get your company in front of them. You might even be capable of presenting directly to them.

Angel groups usually have an approach that is more formal than others, with due diligence and meetings taking place. This makes them more likely to manage a round of funding and can offer valuable support in the early stages of your business.


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